Thank you for Ukraine donations

We are doing our little bit to support Ukraine and just want to say thank you for all the support.

Counting the donations from generous folk on #Wotton #highstreet

Since the start of the Russian illegal invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, I have been collecting to send cash to Kent Relief to support Ukraine. When the weather is better I get a permit to sit outside the shop and set up my Ukraine flag and collect from passers by. I am always so grateful for the donations and glad to be able to send it off to the charity. We also collect out of date First Aid kits and medical supplies to send to the Ukraine front line. It is surprising how many bags of items we are given.

If I am not sitting in the street collecting, people sometimes come into the shop and put a donation in the pot on Fifi’s counter. We finally added it up today after some time. I’m sure there is a more efficient way of counting the cash, but this is my way (Ginny). I usually take it to Tesco and use their cash machine, which is way more efficient, but last time it was broken so the poor post office lady had to count it all.

I am so sad that this terrible war is now in it’s third year. I cannot believe that it has gone on so long. Let’s hope this year we get some good news. Thank you again to everyone that has donated and supported our efforts.